The principle of operation of the gasoline power plant

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In gasoline engines, a mixture of fuel and air is prepared outside the cylinder in the intake manifold (except direct injection engines.).

At the end of the compression stroke, the final mixing of gasoline and air vapor occurs. What interesting is that a mixture spreads evenly across the cylinder is called homogeneous.

The compression process leads to the heating of the mixture, its temperature reaches 400-500 ° C, however, the compression ratio in gasoline installations is limited to 9-10 units.

This is not enough for the fuel charge to self-ignite, due to in such motors, the spark plug, the working part of which is in the cylinder, is a source of ignition.

Detonation processes that occur in gasoline engines with an increase in compression, do not allow to raise the compression ratio of more than 11 units. Increasing the octane number of fuel reduces them, but it does not allow to achieve indicators of diesel installations.

In addition, the proportional ratio of fuel and air in the preparation of the working mixture is in a narrow range, which makes it difficult to achieve the ideal result.

Diesel units also belong to internal combustion engines, however, their operating principle differs from that of a gasoline unit.

The operation of gasoline engine has the following features:

For normal operation, the gasoline engine requires more fine-tuning. The system of injection, ignition, etc. should be well adjusted.

The motor has a greater number of electrical components: high-voltage wires, plugs, distributors.

Gasoline engines to be afraid of water. This is due to the fact that over time in the wiring microcracks are formed, in which moisture enters.

For this reason, it is impossible to create a high-quality spark necessary for engine operation.